Behind the Curtain

Here are reflections and random posts about my life as a Catholic author, as well as behind the scenes write-ups on my fiction.

My Writing Retreat — I went on a week-long retreat at the Retreat House at an Undisclosed Location. Here is what I learned.

End of One Year, Beginning of Another — Wherein I reflect on 2023 and what is in store for The Forgotten Library in 2024.

Writing Hangovers and Other Things I Forgot About — A reflection on my return to writing and the learning curve I tripped over.

Behind the Scenes: A Place to Be — A peek into writing the short story, “A Place to Be”, which is also a peek into the world in which I grew up.

Behind the Scenes: Under the Roses — My first ever serial Under the Roses carried a few lessons to learn, but also read about why I chose to retell the classic, Beauty and the Beast.

For the Love of Mercy — Miscarriage is one of those things that just doesn’t get talked about, though it really should be. We did lose a child. A child with a soul. Her name was Mercy.