I have taken many lovely pictures of the grounds of The Retreat House in an Undisclosed Location, where I stayed for a week. However, I will not be sharing any.
This property is still being built up as a retreat center. People—lay and religious—have gone there on retreat. However, they learned of it through word-of-mouth or they were associated with the community building the House. The Retreat House does not have a website and they are not actively advertising. I don’t wish to accidentally send them more business than they are able to take.
Yes, I could post at least one photo that only shows nature, but I’ve seen Reddit find people based on the shoes they were wearing in a video. So, dear Reader, you’re just going to have to be satisfied with a stock photo, gifs, and your imagination.
Purpose of My Writing Retreat
I returned to fiction writing after a year-long hiatus. To help me really get back into it, I wanted to go on a writing retreat. Unfortunately, all the organized ones I came across were either too far away or too expensive. This left the DIY approach.
My purpose for the retreat was twofold. One, I wanted to bring before God some insecurities I felt regarding my writing. Previously, I had been a self-published secular author and gave it all up when I realized secular fiction was not what God wanted of me. Five years of hard work and expense suddenly went into the trash bin. That left me a little head-shy.
Secondly, I wanted to have space to focus on my writing without worrying about dishes, husband, and volunteer work. I intended to minimize Internet distractions (which didn’t happen).
However, my spiritual director gave me one guideline: I could not spend my whole time writing.
Writing and Prayer
Because I try to be a good Catholic, I heeded the advice of my spiritual director.
The community prayed morning, noon, and evening prayer. I tried to attend them all. I went to Mass, usually in the evening, and I took long walks around the property while praying my rosary. Pretty sure I trespassed onto someone else’s property at one point, but at least I didn’t get lost. I read a spiritual book that had absolutely nothing to do with writing. I opened doors I thought were storage closets but were actually other rooms. I attended an All Souls’ Day rosary walk to a nearby cemetery.
My mornings usually consisted of writing, though there was one day where I wrote morning and afternoon. That was because it was too cold outside for a delicate Southern flower such as myself.
I did gain some insights into why I felt insecure. I did not walk away with an ironclad assurance that everything about my writing would be okay. Rather, I left The Retreat House feeling more willing to hang on for dear life as the Holy Spirit takes the reins.
What I Would Do Differently
Looking back on it, there are a few things I would do differently.
One, I would make sure before I arrive that I have a good writing space on lockdown. My first few days involved me floating around to different surfaces until a good desk opened up for use. I got writing done but I wonder if I would have been more productive if, for a bit there, I hadn’t been like the Israelites in the desert.
Secondly, I would be stricter with myself regarding Internet use. I allowed myself access to YouTube with the excuse of using my writing playlists. What this led to was distraction. I did try to buckle down one day and that didn’t go well. The silver lining is that I realized I may have an actual addiction that I need to deal with.
Thirdly, I would organize my day better. Perhaps block out times for writing throughout the day, rather than lumping it all into one half of the day. I wonder if that would have helped with making the words flow.
In Conclusion
I really did enjoy my time at The Retreat House at an Undisclosed Location. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go back next year. Now, I need to make sense of what I have written and carry on. I hope what I’ve written here will help you organize your own DIY Writing Retreat.
My husband travels for work and my kids are all grown. A few times I’ve been able to discipline myself enough to do a retreat at home. It’s funny how as soon as I would designate the time as a silent retreat I would suddenly feel like I really needed to go to the store 😂
Oh my, this is so beautiful - I felt myself sighing with delight as you described your retreat time. The internet is that tricky creature, though, isn't it?! Always drawing us in.
This inspires me to try a DIY art retreat!