As a Bradbury fan myself, I love the references to The October Country and Something Wicked. I'm looking forward to reading your story "The Door."

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Thank you!

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In my family, October means making homemade applesauce and leaf mazes. October is probably my favourite month after December (because of Advent and Christmas); it's just so beautiful!

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Homemade applesauce sounds yummy! Thank you for sharing!

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So beautiful! Hallowtide is also my favorite time of year - it really permeates through this whole month, doesn't it?! Most of our traditions revolve around pumpkins (our farm opens up a pumpkin patch in October), but we also start to collect and sift through old family photos to continue to add to our wall collage of ancestors. This stays up year-round, but moves to our altar during Hallowtide.

On Hallowe'en, we always watch the Great Pumpkin & eat pomegranate seeds (because I can't stop with the symbolism haha)! And baking/delivering soul cakes is a favorite.

Looking forward to your writing!

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I love your traditions! And the idea of a wall collage of ancestors.

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