State of the Library #7
Wherein I discuss why I love the month of April and exciting things to come after Under the Roses, among other things.
I hope all those who celebrate are having a wonderful Easter. “But, Easter was last month?” you may say, to which I reply that in the Catholic Church, Easter is a season! So, happy Easter!
This makes me especially happy because I had surgery on Holy Week. As I type this, I am recovering well, but the surgery meant that I wasn’t able to attend Mass on Easter Sunday. Because there’s a whole season, though, I still have plenty of time to celebrate my Lord’s Resurrection.
April Showers Bring May Flowers
I love the month of April for two reasons. One, because it’s my birthday month. I was supposed to be born in May but popped out early. My mother had health problems and a history of drug addiction, so I’m grateful that the least of my worries were jaundice and being one month premature.
Secondly, the month of April is dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament, a.k.a the Eucharist. This is the Bread of Life. This is Jesus Christ Among Us. Devotion to it is one of my absolute favorites. It is one of the greatest mysteries of the Catholic Faith that, every single day, in churches all around the world, at every valid Mass, the substance of the bread and wine become Jesus—Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.
If that sounds like utter craziness to you, then allow me to introduce to you the wonder that is Eucharistic miracles.
Sardis Gets Serial(s)
The reception for Under the Roses has blown me away. I was rather nervous about doing my first serial. I’m glad that it’s been such a success.
Therefore, I am happy to announce that Sardis, the librarian of the Forgotten Library (the concept around which this Substack is supposed to be centered) will be getting his own series of serials. I don’t have more details than that since I’m still very much in the planning and outlining stage. I hope to debut the first one in the autumn.
ICYMI: March
Go here to get all caught up on Under the Roses’ posts for March:
Coming in April
Under the Roses will continue to post through April. The last installment should land in May. Each post will publish on Thursday morning at 10 am EST.
This month’s story is entitled, “The Big Gold Box” — The last thing Pete wants is to end up homeless again. However, when he walks into a Catholic Church on a rainy morning, with the intention of stealing the Big Gold Box, he gets more than he bargained for.
Pete took a deep breath and ascended the three steps into the sanctuary. He rounded the big table where the priest had stood, waving his arms and reciting words over bread and cup.
Closer to the box, Pete saw that it was decorated with pictures of wheat sheaves and clusters of grapes. There was no sign of the key. He pulled out the small leather wallet that held his lock-picking set.
Heaviness filled the air. For a moment, he thought he smelled incense. The hair on the back of Pete’s neck stood on end.
My first daughter was due on April 22 and decided to make her appearance on May 8. Talk about miserable!